V For Vendetta

“V for Vendetta” is a graphic novel written by Alan Moore and illustrated by David Lloyd. It was released in 1988.



“V for Vendetta” is set in the UK, in a not-too-distant dystopian future where nuclear war has destroyed most of the world. The fascist “Norsefire” government controls the population through fear and police brutality and imprisons its opponents in concentration camps. The novel follows the anarchist freedom fighter known by the initial “V”, who attempts to start a revolution.

The author, Alan Moore, expresses his political concerns for the future of Britain in the original 1988 introduction, in relation to the Conservative Thatcher government at the time:

“Margaret Thatcher is entering her third term of office and talking confidently of an unbroken Conservative leadership well into the next century … the tabloid press are circulating the idea of concentration camps for persons with AIDS … The government has expressed a desire to eradicate homosexuality, even as an abstract concept, and one can only speculate as to which minority will be the next legislated against”

Racism is clearly presented in the society described in “V for Vendetta”, most notably in the extermination of political opponents, homosexuals, Muslims, immigrants and other “undesirables” by the Norsefire party. The Norsefire party draws influence from the National Front (a fascist, whites-only political party in Britain) who were gaining a large following at the time the novel was written. These parties have similar logos (the initials NF) and far-right ideologies.

Racism can also be seen on the fictional TV program “Storm Saxon”, presented in the novel. Storm Saxon is the Aryan hero of the show, “Heidi” is the blue-eyed blonde love interest and the enemies are “black cannibal filth”. This is a clear example of white people being the “master race” in this society. The name of the show is also a reference to the Saxons, the Germanic tribe who settled in Britain in the middle ages.

“V for Vendetta” acts as a warning for how society could become if people are not aware of what is happening and don’t take action.

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